ADHD Weekly 2017-03-30

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The Double Whammy of ADHD and Depression

Join the discussion. An adult affected by ADHD is up to six times more likely to also have depression than an adult without ADHD. It is one of the most common co-occurring conditions for someone who has ADHD. “A lot of people are diagnosed with depression and you hear the depression as a function of…

Tips for Help Managing ADHD with Non-Medication Interventions

Join the discussion. If you have ADHD, the most successful treatment for you is an individualized approach that takes your symptoms into account. For most people with ADHD, ongoing intervention is required to lead a fulfilling life and achieve their full potential. While medication is a good option for many people, successful interventions typically include…

Apps to Help You Get Through the Day

Join the discussion. Show of hands: How many of you are carrying a smartphone right now? All of you with your hands up: You’re among the two-thirds of adults in the United States who currently have a smartphone. The number of smartphone users continues to increase and is projected to reach 236.3 million by the…