Ask the Expert
Finding More Happiness for Both Partners When One Person Has ADHD
Featuring Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST
Wednesday, Feb. 10 | 7 pm EST
Couples with one partner who has ADHD share the same struggles as other couples, but frequently experience those struggles more intensely. Often the non-ADHD partner feels the burden of over-functioning and the partner with ADHD feels unable to get it right. It is crucial to break this disheartening tug of war by helping both partners to negotiate disagreements more effectively.
Dr. Ari Tuckman will discuss how couples can navigate the process of balancing the need for some aspects of the relationship to change while also accepting the differences that remain. He will also discuss why a satisfying sex life is not only a reward for good behavior but also an important driver of good behavior that we should not ignore.
Learning Objectives:
- Describe ways that ADHD can affect both romantic partners and common relationship dynamics.
- Explain why a good relationship pushes you to become a better person.
- Break the unproductive tug-of-war that is created when one partner wants more.
- Create more sustainable solutions to differences and disagreements.
Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST, has given more than 400 presentations and routinely earns excellent reviews for his ability to make complicated information understandable and useful. He is the author of ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship, Understand Your Brain, Get More Done, and More Attention, Less Deficit and Integrative: Treatment for Adult ADHD. He is a psychologist and sex therapist in private practice in West Chester, Pennsylvania, a former CHADD board member and is a co-chair of the Annual International Conference on ADHD conference committee.