ADHD in the News 2016-09-22

ADHD symptoms persistence into adulthood

Sixty percent of children with ADHD in a recent study demonstrated persistence of symptoms into their mid-20’s, and 41 percent had both symptoms and impairment as young adults.

ADHD More Common Than Depression in Child Suicide

Young children who die by suicide are less likely to have depression and more likely than their adolescent counterparts to have attention-deficit disorder (ADD) or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research shows.

Study highlights what helps, doesn’t help ADHD kids with homework

Although stimulant medication does not seem to improve homework performance among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), teaching parents techniques for working on their children’s homework problems is clearly effective—to the tune of an average difference between passing and failing--according to a new study.

ADHD diagnoses, medication use lower among African-Americans, Latinos than white children

Racial and ethnic disparities in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication persisted because of fewer diagnoses and treatments in African-American and Latino children as opposed to overdiagnoses and treatments in white children, according to study findings.

Comorbidities in Girls with ADHD

Girls with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder were much more likely to have both internalizing and externalizing disorders than girls without ADHD...Investigators performed a meta-analysis to assess rates of anxiety, depression, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder among girls with and without ADHD. The analysis included 18 studies involving almost 2000 girls (77% white; mean age range, 8.5–13.5 years).

Internet addiction linked to depression, anxiety, ADHD in college students

College students who screened positively for internet addiction had higher levels of functional impairment, depression and anxiety, attentional problems and ADHD symptoms, according to data presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress.

High fat, sugar diet during pregnancy may increase ADHD risk in offspring

A diet high in fat and sugar during pregnancy may interact with a gene that controls early brain development in the fetus, potentially increasing the risk for attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) in some individuals, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Top ADHD research for psychiatrists gathered the most relevant research on ADHD in children and adults for psychiatrists and clinicians treating ADHD."

Here’s How Schools Can Support Students’ Mental Health

Dealing with students' mental health looks different at every school. But experts say doing it well requires a strategy that gets everyone involved."