ADHD in the News 2017-10-26

New Study Casts Doubt on Diagnosis of Adult-Onset A.D.H.D.

In just the past few years, researchers have identified what they believe is an adult version of attention deficit disorder: a restless inability to concentrate that develops spontaneously after high school, years after the syndrome typically shows itself, and without any early signs...Yet a new study suggests that adult-onset A.D.H.D. is rare — if it exists at all.

Can Adults Develop ADHD? Probably Not, Researchers Say

Summary: Researchers report up to 80% of people diagnosed with adult onset ADHD likely do not have the condition. For the 20% of adults who may have ADHD, doctors may have missed the condition during childhood, the researchers conclude.

How Structural Changes Can Signal Brains of Young Adults With ADHD

October is ADHD Awareness Month, and the 2017 theme is “Knowing is Better: ADHD Across the Life Span.” That has brought attention to the need for biomarkers to distinguish what physical traits can help identify those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A study published earlier this year has received notice for being the first to uncover the macro- and microstructural changes in the brains of young adults with ADHD.

Despite gains, drug treatment remains low in adults with ADHD

Although adults have increased their use of drugs for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the past few years, rates of both initiation and persistence of treatment continue to be low, according to results of a recent study in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Rates were even lower in men, racial and ethnic minorities, and younger individuals.

Is There a Connection Between ADHD and Dyslexia?

If your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is having difficulties sounding out certain letters, referring to something using an incorrect word choice or having challenges with sound patterns, he or she could also be struggling with dyslexia. In fact, the International Dyslexia Association notes that ADHD and dyslexia are "distinct conditions that frequently overlap.”

Adderall Misuse May Be Hidden Part of Teen Amphetamine Abuse

American teens underestimate their use of amphetamines, likely because many don't know that the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drug Adderall is an amphetamine, a new study suggests. High school and college students sometimes use Adderall, a type of stimulant medication, without a doctor's order because they believe it will boost their mental function and school performance.

Could It Be Sleep Deprivation and Not ADHD?

Experts who gathered in September for the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress in Paris examined prior research on the topic, pointing to a strong association between sleep issues and ADHD....This isn’t the first time sleep and its role as a factor in ADHD has been addressed. However, continued awareness and discussion on the topic often brings other related issues to the forefront – issues that some experts feel may need to be more thoroughly explored and understood.

ADHD and Adults: Innovative Tools to Help You Get Things Done and Thrive

Today, we tend to think of technology as the enemy. After all, it steals our attention and makes it harder to focus. And when you have ADHD, it’s hard enough to sustain your concentration. It’s hard enough not to get distracted every few minutes. But adults with ADHD can actually use technology to their advantage. The key is to find what works for you.