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Attention Magazine February 2023

The Walking Classroom

Mark Katz, PhD


Manage the Story in Your Mind

Caroline Maguire, MEd, ACCG, PCC


Hyperfocus in College Students with ADHD

Yuanyuan Jiang and Minyeong Cho


It’s Never About Me

Jane Indergaard, DNP, RN

Parents can become submerged in the daunting tasks of supporting their child with ADHD. With limited time, energy, and emotional reserve, how can you be there for everyone in the family?

Summer Camp as a Growth Experience for Your Child

John Willson MS, LRT/CTRS

Search for opportunities that nurture their gifts and help them overcome their challenges.

Learning How to Learn: The Magic of a Summer Program

Elizabeth Lavine Russell

One summer of small classes, supportive teachers, interwoven study skills, executive function strategies, and the camaraderie of peers can make all the difference.

Living Black with Undiagnosed and Untreated ADHD

Brandi Walker, PhD, interviewed by Melvin Bogard, MA

How do we encourage conversation about mental health issues and educate culturally insensitive educators and healthcare providers?

ADHD and the Increasing Suicide Rate Among Black Youth

Napoleon Higgins, MD, interviewed by Melvin Bogard, MA

New studies indicate that much of the increase correlates to untreated ADHD. We can all help to change this.

How We Survived as an Undiagnosed ADHD Family

Cynthia Hammer, MSW

The author looks back in wonder at what she and her husband went through before they knew.

ADHD and the “Just-Right” Relationship

Melissa Orlov, interviewed by Susan Buningh, MRE

Transformation starts when both partners understand the role ADHD plays and the importance of non-defensive listening.

Honoring Educators at #ADHD2022