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Attention Magazine December 2002

The Art of Getting Things Done

Meg Gott

This article explains a successful approach, Getting Things Done� for organizing work, making decisions, and other executive functions. The technique is unique because it breaks down every task into several stages emphasizing personal productivity.

Traveling with Special Needs

Jessica Shea Choksey

This article provides basic guidelines to consider when planning a trip. It covers topics such as applicable policies for traveling with children taking medications or with special needs. It includes several Websites related to medications and international travel considerations.

A Ray of Hope in the Juvenile Justice System

Robert M. Tudisco Esq

Working with juvenile offenders with special needs is the focus of this article. It describes a unique Family Court program in White Plains, New York, where the legal system and an educational advocate work together to provide the best placement available. This article includes a sidebar describing a new guide for mental health advocates.

ADHD and the Juvenile Justice System

Gerald Rouse

This article is designed to educate youth, parents, and child advocates on the juvenile justice system. It provides an overview of the system, pretrial legal issues, trials, dispositions and blended sentences, revocations, and other dispositions. It concludes by encouraging parents to speak up about their concerns when their children encounter the juvenile or family court system.