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Attention Magazine December 2001

A Spoonful of Music

Robert Wyatt

This article discusses the way that sound and music play a role in the way people experience the world. The author tells how to use music to promote relaxation, enhance concentration, and spawn new neural pathways.

Reflections on Co-occurring Conditions

Peter S. Jensen

This brief article describes the confusion that a diagnosis of a co-occuring or comorbid disorder can cause for parents. The author considers the differences in how the U.S. versus European diagnostic systems deal with the issue of ADHD complicated by other problems. He counsels parents to ask the health care provider how co-occurring conditions will affect the treatment and outcomes.

Dont’ Lose Sleep Over it! ADHD and Sleep Problems

Carolyn E. Hart

This article discusses sleep problems that are common among people with ADHD. It describes insomnia, noctural enuresis, obstructive sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy, among other problems, and explains what can be done about each.

Bipolar Disorders & ADHD

Demitri F. Papolos

This article considers the difficulties in making the differential diagnosis between ADHD and a budding bipolar disorder in a young child. The authors discuss how a clinician can go about making the correct diagnosis. The article includes lists of common symptoms and behavioral traits for children with early-onset bipolar disorder. It also explains how to treat a co-morbid case of bipolar disorder and ADHD.

Anxiety Disorders and ADHD

Glenn S. Hirsch

This article considers anxiety disorders as they accompany ADHD. It briefly reviews separation anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, and explains how each is treated. It also discusses treatment of the combined disorders.

Effects of ADHD Medication on Future Substance Abuse

Timothy E. Wilens MD

This article evaluates what we know about the link between substance abuse and prior exposure to stimulants or other psychotropic medications by examining the literature that is available. It reviews studies of both adolescents and adults with ADHD who were treated with stimulants as children. The results of the evaluation support a protective effect of medication treatment of ADHD concerning the development of later substance abuse. The literature does not support that stimulant treatment of ADHD increases the risk for substance abuse.