ADHD in the News 2016-03-10

A Call for Better Awareness and Diagnosis of ADHD in Older Adults

Mary Orr, a 68-year-old clinical social worker, complains to her doctor that she struggles to remain focused, becomes easily distracted and has difficulty completing tasks at work and chores at home. After asking a few questions, her physician tells her that this is part of normal aging...Both health care providers and patients need to be better informed about the prevalence of ADHD in people over 50 to increase identification, diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately improve the quality of life of people suffering from treatable cognitive complaints.

Birth Date May Influence Child's Risk for ADHD Diagnosis

A child's birth date could play a role in determining which kids will be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and subsequently put on medication to treat it, a new study from Taiwan suggests. The researchers found that preschool and school-age children who were born in August had an increased risk of being diagnosed with ADHD and receiving medication for it compared to their classmates who were born in September.

ADHD Meds Tied to Lower Bone Density in Kids

Using data from a government health survey, researchers found that children taking ADHD medications had, on average, lower bone density in the hip and lumbar spine (lower back) than kids not on the drugs...Experts said it's not clear that the medications themselves actually thin kids' bones, as the study only showed an association, and there could be other explanations for the connection.

5 Successful Women With ADHD Who Talk About It

While you may be hard-pressed to find women on celebrity ADHD success story lists, they're out there. The five notable women below are part of an even shorter list — women with ADHD who have spoken up about it in the press — but when it comes to successful women with ADHD, they're just the tip of the iceberg.

Most teens who misuse prescription stimulants say they use other people's medication

Using someone else's medication is the most common form of prescription stimulant misuse among adolescents, according to a study, which found that 88 percent of teens who used the drugs non-medically in the past 30 days said they had obtained the medications from someone else.

Novel Brain Training Game May Reduce Kids' ADHD Symptoms

Investigators used a novel feed-forward modeling (FFM) system, which employs a computer game to illustrate desired future behaviors or a path toward a goal via electroencephalogram-based adaptation, thus encouraging the restructuring of behaviors and actions. They found it reduced ADHD symptoms by approximately one third and significantly improved the number of math problems that could be solved in a given period.

If Only I Had Known About ADHD Before!

A diagnosis of adult ADHD can be life changing, but it also often brings regret...Happily for couples impacted by ADHD, there is now enough information available to provide a path to move away from the frustration, anger and dysfunction that they feel. Much is at my website, but let me lay out some of the steps for creating a happier relationship with ADHD and moving past regret here: