ADHD in the News 2017-11-09

Brain imaging reveals ADHD as a collection of different disorders

Researchers have found that patients with different types of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have impairments in unique brain systems, indicating that there may not be a one-size-fits-all explanation for the cause of the disorder. Based on performance on behavioral tests, adolescents with ADHD fit into one of three subgroups, where each group demonstrated distinct impairments in the brain with no common abnormalities between them.

Keeping harsh punishment in check helps kids with ADHD, study finds

Cutting back on yelling, criticism and other harsh parenting approaches, including physical punishment, has the power to calm children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to a new study..."This is the first study to show that improved parenting changes kids biologically," said Theodore Beauchaine, the study's senior author and a professor of psychology at Ohio State.

What Can Twitter Reveal About People With ADHD? Penn Researchers Provide Answers

What can Twitter reveal about people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD? Quite a bit about what life is like for someone with the condition, according to findings published by University of Pennsylvania researchers Sharath Chandra Guntuku and Lyle Ungar in the Journal of Attention Disorders. Twitter data might also provide clues to help facilitate more effective treatments.

Tips for Young Adults With ADHD Entering the Workforce for the First Time

Accepting a new job, especially the first one out of high school or college, is often a time when just about everyone develops feelings of uncertainty. But for someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, that feeling may be magnified, compounding anxieties. People with ADHD often have executive functioning challenges, explains Stephen P. Hinshaw, professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Is an Early ADHD Diagnosis Best, or Should Parents Wait to Seek Answers?

Your child seems to behave in ways that resemble attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but perhaps you're hesitant to explore the matter. After all, you can't help but think these may be age-appropriate behaviors or a perhaps a phase. So, maybe it's best to hold off on getting a formal diagnosis. Not so fast, cautions E. Mark Mahone, a child neuropsychologist, research scientist and the director of the department of neuropsychology at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore.

ADHD Meds Can Treat ADHD and Social Anxiety Symptoms Simultaneously

One of the perks of having ADHD is that we often get two disorders for the price of one. ADHD has high rates of comorbidity with other mental health conditions, meaning that many people with ADHD have more than one disorder. But it turns out we may be able to treat two disorders for the price of one as well. Some evidence for that comes from a new study showing that in people with comorbid ADHD and social anxiety, ADHD meds can improve symptoms of both disorders at once.

Are Black People Giving ADHD Enough Attention?

ADHD often leaves African-American parents of affected children fighting many battles simultaneously. On one front, the parents of African-American children with ADHD fight to get their children proper diagnoses and treatment. If successful, those parents are invited to the next battle: getting their child the necessary help.

UK children experiencing chronic delays in ADHD diagnosis

Nearly a third (28 percent) of children with ADHD can wait two or more years before receiving a diagnosis, while 51 percent of cases experienced a lack of recognition for ADHD as a real condition from those on the front lines of helping children, including GPs, specialists and school staff, according to the Shire-funded report, A Lifetime Lost, or A Lifetime Saved.