ADHD in the News 2019-07-25

Study: ADHD meds bring wide range of benefits for children

Some parents may be reluctant to give their kids powerful stimulants to treat the symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, but a new review shows the medications bring significant benefits. In addition to helping kids calm down and concentrate in school, the review also found that the drugs help children avoid a lot of long-term negative consequences associated with ADHD, including depression, substance abuse and even driving problems.

School readiness impaired in preschoolers with ADHD symptoms

Preschoolers with symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder are much less likely than other children their age to be ready for school, new research from the Stanford University School of Medicine has found. The Pediatrics, is among the first to comprehensively examine school readiness in young children with ADHD.

Recovery From Concussion Longer for Athletes With ADHD

Athletes with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with concussion seem to have longer recovery than controls, regardless of their psychostimulant medication status, according to a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology Sports Concussion Conference, held from July 26 to 28 in Indianapolis.

Everything you need to know about Wellbutrin for ADHD

Nonstimulant treatments, such as Wellbutrin, are common alternatives that doctors can prescribe to people with ADHD. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant that researchers have tested for the treatment of ADHD in adults...The FDA have not approved Wellbutrin for the treatment of ADHD. However, some doctors may prescribe it to adults if they cannot take standard treatments, such as stimulants.

Brain ‘Go and Stop’ Response May Hone ADHD Diagnosis in Kids

Differing brain activity, such as motor cortex inhibition and modulation, in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) could provide a more precise diagnosis of the condition, new research suggests. In a case control study, the ability to start and delay a task in a racecar game was significantly different in children with ADHD than in typically developing children.

Genes underscore five psychiatric disorders

A group of international doctors has uncovered the genes that contribute to the development of ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia. A collaborative research project carried out by The University of Queensland and Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam analysed more than 400,000 individuals to determine the genes behind these five psychiatric disorders.

Research Sheds Light on Two Types of Treatment for ADHD

New research highlights the potential benefits and detriments of treatment strategies for ADHD, which include both pharmacological and nonpharmacological options.