ADHD in the News 2018-08-23

Video Game ‘Rewires’ ADHD Brain to Improve Attention

A brain-computer interface (BCI)–based video gaming system improves attention in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by rewiring abnormal brain networks that regulate attention, suggest preliminary findings of the first brain imaging study to test the system. The ATENTIVmynd (Atentiv LLC) gaming system has been studied in eight clinical trials of children with ADHD.

Largest brain study of 62,454 scans identifies drivers of brain aging

The study found that a number of brain disorders and behaviors predicted accelerated aging, especially schizophrenia, which showed an average of 4 years of premature aging, cannabis abuse (2.8 years of accelerated aging), bipolar disorder (1.6 years accelerated aging), ADHD (1.4 years accelerated aging) and alcohol abuse (0.6 years accelerated aging).

To medicate or not? The thorny mental health issue in the NBA

It is a decision that permeates NBA locker rooms every day, as professional athletes silently struggle to deal with their mental health issues. The stigma of mental health is one thing; that stigma increases tenfold when their peers discover they're on "meds.'' It's a gamble that some players don't believe is worth taking, because it could affect their ability to be employed by a skeptical coach or general manager.

Girls have ADHD too – here’s why doctors may be missing them

In our study, published in the European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, we aimed to identify which symptoms were the best predictors of an ADHD diagnosis and the likelihood of receiving medication, and whether these differed between boys and girls.

For Some, Common ADHD Drug May Be Tied to Psychotic Symptoms

A new study reviews existing research on the link between various psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, problems with concentration or anxiety, and the drug methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin) — researchers found 1 or 2 percent of treated patients may experience such adverse effects.

Making School Easier for Parents and A Child Who has ADHD

As a psychotherapist who work with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), I have heard how happy they are during summer or on school holidays...I will list the steps parents can take to develop a game plan with their child and therefore reduce the stress associated with the school year.

Do Weighted Blankets Really Ease Sleeplessness?

Perhaps the best evidence to date comes from a study published in 2015 in the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders. This study included 31 adults with chronic insomnia. Their sleep was tracked for one week with their usual bedding, then two weeks with a weighted blanket, and then one more week with their usual bedding again.