ADHD in the News 2020-08-06

Grandparent caregivers face more challenges

About 2% of U.S. children are raised by their grandparents...The study, published in Pediatrics this week, found children living with grandparent caregivers were more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, have a history of adverse childhood experiences or developmental problems, and were more likely to suffer from "poor temperament" -- becoming frustrated or easily angered.

Preparing Kids for Virtual Schooling

Schools are still deciding how they will proceed for the upcoming school year, and some have already agreed to move forward with virtual schooling...Parents with children that have learning differences such as Autism, ADHD, or Dyslexia will have a harder time helping kids manage their executive function skills at home while learning virtually. Parents can help prepare their children for virtual learning.

ADHD, Anger, and Emotional Regulation

Recent research shows that problems with anger, tantrums, and managing emotions are a common part of ADHD that need to be better recognized. During these days of unusually high societal pressures on families and individuals, visiting what we know about emotions and ADHD is timely. Fortunately, solutions are available.

Children, teens, and the safety of psychotropic medicines

Medicines prescribed for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders — known as psychotropic drugs — have largely been studied in adults. This concerns many parents whose children take these drugs regularly...Now a recent systematic review of multiple studies done in children and adolescents offers new guidance on safety for commonly used medicines.

Ferris pharmacy professors publish study on ADHD

Pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical science professors at Ferris State University's College of Pharmacy have had research findings published in the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Their findings focus on psychotherapeutic polypharmacy, or the administering of multiple medications, to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Where is the research into Black autism and ADHD?

Suzy Rowland, author of S.E.N.D. in the Clowns: Essential ADHD/Autism Family Guide, explains the crucial need for research into Black autism and ADHD...A quick search on [the UK's] NHS Digital for ‘black autism’ takes the browser to the Mental Health Act 2019, where on the second page in key findings we are shown that ‘amongst the five broad ethnic groups, known rates of detention for the Black or Black British group (306.8 detentions per 100,000 population) were over four times those of the White group (72.9 per 100,000 population).

Concussion Linked With 57% Higher Risk of Parkinson’s in Study

Researchers analyzed insurance data from the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository, which contains information on nearly every resident of the Canadian province Manitoba...they calculated the relative risk of being later diagnosed with any of four disorders: Parkinson’s disease, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mood and anxiety disorders (MADs), and dementia.