ADHD in the News 2021-11-11

From Day 1: ADHD and Comorbid Conditions

“It’s important that from day 1 we see the patient, we are looking for comorbidities,” said Napoleon B. Higgins, Jr, MD, at the 2021 NEI Congress in his talk “There’s More to It: ADHD and Comorbidities”...More than 50% of individuals with ADHD have comorbid disorders. Comorbid conditions include learning and language disabilities, mood disorders like depression and mania, anxiety, anger and impulse control disorders, and tic disorders.

Children with ADHD and Reward-Related Dysfunctions: The Impact of Oppositional and Callous-Unemotional Symptoms

According to recent research, about 50% of patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also develop oppositional defiant and conduct disorder (ODD/CD).1 Additionally, callous-unemotional (CU) traits—including reduced guilt and remorse, callousness, low empathy, and deficient prosocial emotions—overlap with the dimensions of ADHD and ODD/CD symptoms.

New Treatment Option for ADHD: Unique Pharmacokinetic Profile and Range of Dosing Options

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Tris Pharma’s Dyanavel XR (amphetamine), extended release once-daily tablets for the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in patients aged 6 years and older...Dyanavel XR is a central nervous system stimulant prescription medicine used for the treatment of ADHD in individuals aged 6 years and older.

Micronutrient Supplementation Linked to Positive Global Effects in Pediatric ADHD

For children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), supplementation was micronutrients was found to have global benefits including height growth. These findings, from a placebo-controlled, randomized trial, were published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

Communication Strategies for Management of Pediatric ADHD: Do Care Managers Improve Outcomes?

Care management in addition to use of an online patient portal was not found to improve communication or outcomes among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) compared with use of the portal alone, according to the results of a randomized controlled trial published in Pediatrics.

Why is ADHD awareness important?

Raising awareness of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) helps create welcoming, accessible schools and workplaces. It also ensures doctors can properly treat ADHD, reduces the impact of the condition, and may encourage people with symptoms of ADHD to seek a diagnosis...During ADHD Awareness Month, organizations such as Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD) host educational seminars, awareness campaigns, and events to draw attention to ADHD and how it affects people.

How to get organized at home when you have ADHD or mental health issues

The premise that one’s space reflects one’s mental health can be particularly defeating if you’re already in a bad place mentally or physically...The shame of having a home that fails to meet society’s standards can paralyze, and often silence, people who need help managing clutter.

How Mindfulness Tunes Function in 4 Key ADHD Brain Circuits

KEY POINTS: It is the brain's job to filter and make sense of the firehose of stimuli, internal and external, from which we drink every moment. ADHD is common, affecting nearly 10% of children and over 10 million adults. Mindfulness-based approaches in clinical studies and practice have utility in alleviating ADHD symptoms by targeting core pathways.

The Neuroscience of Pediatric ADHD

Theresa R. Cerulli, MD: The neuroscience of ADHD is fascinating...The neuroscience of ADHD, I’ll break it into 4 categories. Think about the genetics, the neuroanatomy, the neural networks, and neurotransmitters that are involved. We know that these objective measures have shown that there are differences in those 4 areas between children and adults with ADHD and children and adults without ADHD.