ADHD in the News 2023-02-16

No Sign That ADHD Meds in Pregnancy Can Raise Odds for ADHD, Autism in Kids

TUESDAY, Feb. 14, 2023 (HealthDay News) -- Children who were exposed to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medications their moms took during pregnancy are not more prone to neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD or autism, researchers report.

Suicide Rates Increased for Most Race, Ethnic Groups From 2018 to 2021

KEY POINT: Highest age-adjusted 2021 suicide rates and highest relative percentage change identified for American Indian or Alaska Native persons.

Stress levels sky high for families of neurodiverse kids

New Curtin University-led research has found caregivers of neurodivergent children are more likely to experience clinically significant levels of stress, poor mental health, financial hardship, and negative relationships. The research, published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, explored the health and well-being of caregivers of children living with neurological conditions such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit/ hyperactive disorder (ADHD), cerebral palsy, and learning disabilities, and whether current support services were sufficient to meet their needs.

Children use the same brain network as adults for tough problems

Summary: Children as young as 4 years old show evidence of a network in the brain found in adults that tackles difficult cognitive problems, a new study found.

Teen girls and LGBTQ+ youth plagued by violence and trauma, survey says

Adolescent girls across the country are facing record levels of violence, sadness and despair, according to new survey data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And teens who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning and other non-heterosexual identities also experience high levels of violence and distress, the survey found.

The benefits of ‘body doubling’ when you have ADHD, according to experts

(CNN) — Once a week, ADHD coach Robin Nordmeyer joins a Zoom meeting of other coaches while she writes blogs, does administrative tasks or works on content for presentations she has been putting off. Nordmeyer, who has ADHD, isn’t necessarily using the meeting to collaborate with others — she just needs their presence as a motivator to help her get things done.

How do you get tested for ADHD as an adult?

ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton answers your health questions.

Why It’s So Hard To Ask For Help When You Have ADHD — And How To Get Over It

Do you hate asking for help because it makes you look weak, helpless, or incompetent? Many adults with ADHD feel this way, and you’re not alone. You may think there’s shame in getting help because you’re worried about disappointing others or possibly failing. When you refuse to ask for help, reject it when offered, or pretend you’ve got things covered when you don’t, you make life much harder for yourself.

ADHD: The Threat-and-Soothing Cycle of Procrastination

KEY POINTS: Paul Gilbert’s evolutionary model proposes that humans switch between the threat, drive, and soothing systems to manage their emotions. Clients with ADHD often report that there are certain triggers of threat that lead to overwhelm and require a need to soothe. The ways in which people soothe can make a difference in their ability to move out of the soothing system towards the drive system.