Managing ADHD and Tourette Syndrome at School, College, Work and in the CommunityCHADD Webinar
October 19, 2021 7 PM ET
A Collaboration with CHADD and the Tourette Association of America
Join the Tourette Association of America for a collaborative webinar with CHADD. Gina and Noah Schlicksup will present on managing ADHD and Tourette Syndrome (TS) from a parent and teen perspective.
Gina is also a special education teacher and will give tips on managing ADHD and TS at school. Sophie and Jeremy Didier will provide ADHD/TS management tips on college life, work, and socially in the community. In addition to resources from the TAA, CHADD will share resources, including a new resource on ADHD and TS.
Key Takeaways
- Accessing resources to help better understand TS and ADHD can benefit you and others.
- Understanding and support for executive function deficits
- Time management and focusing tips for teens
- Time management tips for young adults
- Managing ADHD at work.