ADHD in the News 2024-07-18

Identifying and living with ADHD as an adult

ABC News’ Diane Macedo chats with psychiatrist and ADHD expert, Dr. Sasha Hamdani on the rise of ADHD.

Inside ADHD: More adult women are being diagnosed

ABC News' Diane Macedo speaks with other women and doctors about rising numbers of women being diagnosed with ADHD as adults, and details her own recent diagnosis.

HU2U Podcast: Changing the ADHD Narrative From Deficit to Superpower (Part 1) feat. Dr. Mercedes Ebanks

[Excerpt] On today's episode, which is part 1 of a 2-part series, Dr. Mercedes Ebanks joins host, Howard alum, and developmental psychologist Dr. Kweli Zukeri to explore this situation. They will also discuss the potential that lies within changing the ADHD narrative and approach from one of deficit to superpower and how parents and teachers can help their children and students with ADHD both utilize it as a strength and manage its problematic aspects.

HU2U Podcast: Changing the ADHD Narrative From Deficit to Superpower (Part 2) feat. Dr. Mercedes Ebanks

[Excerpt] In the 2nd part of this 2-part series, host, Howard alum, and developmental psychologist Dr. Kweli Zukeri continues his conversation on ADHD with guest Dr. Mercedes Ebanks. Dr. Ebanks is a double Howard alum and Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology at the Howard School of Education. She is also a Behavioral Therapist and the Co-Founder and Parent Coordinator of the Mecca Group, LLC.

Prescribing Patterns Among Patients With ADHD and Intellectual Disability

Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and intellectual disability are less likely to be prescribed ADHD medication than controls without intellectual disability, according to study findings published in Psychological Medicine. Adults with co-occurring intellectual disability were also more likely to display hostility, aggression, agitation, and mood instability.

Children and teens with ADHD struggle with object recognition memory

A new study published in Neuropsychology Review has revealed that children and adolescents diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) exhibit significantly poorer object recognition memory compared to their peers without ADHD. This meta-analysis of 28 studies sheds light on the cognitive challenges faced by this population.

Children with conduct disorder show widespread brain structural differences, finds new international study

Conduct disorder in young people is associated with differences in surface area across much of the brain, compared to the brains of typically developing children, new research shows.

Benefits of Parent Education in Raising Children With ADHD

KEY POINTS: Bad parenting does not cause ADHD, but parent behaviors can bring out ADHD behaviors in children. Roughly half of parents of children with ADHD do not have a clear understanding of their child’s behaviors. Informed parents can effectively advocate for their ADHD child and celebrate their child's strengths.

The challenge of ADHD in Black families

Temetric Reeves was pursuing a second master’s degree in occupational therapy when she noticed she was struggling. Despite working hard, she could not strategize her way out of feeling overwhelmed and “frazzled.” It took a conversation with a classmate and three clinicians to get a diagnosis: she had ADHD, or Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Combined Type ADHD: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. When both symptoms are present, the condition is referred to as combined type ADHD—the most common of the three presentations of ADHD.[1]

The Reality of Growing Up with ADHD

When you see a ‘troubled child’, are you quick to pass negative judgments without knowing their full story? For those living with ADHD, labels like “lazy” and “unfocused” become an unfortunate part of daily life. Meet Candice, whose ADHD makes life feel foggy and muffled. But when she takes her medication, things get better. The fog is wiped off her glasses, and she can see clearly again.

‘A diagnosis can sweep away guilt’: the delicate art of treating ADHD

For children with ADHD, getting the help they need depends on being correctly diagnosed. As a doctor, I have seen how tricky and frustrating a process that can be