Why So Many Women With ADHD Never Get The Help They Need
I am not the kind of person for whom neatness comes easily. I can’t keep to a routine. Every surface of my house is piled with clothes, books, and papers (despite living with a minimalist partner). I start many things and rarely finish them. I find it impossible to focus on instructions. I imagine complex, faraway concepts, but can never seem to get the basics of reality right...And so it was that, at the age of 25, after having been in the mental health system for six years, I learned that I likely had a primarily inattentive form of ADHD.
Other Articles in this Edition
Teens with ADHD have special treatment needs
Children with ADHD sleep both poorly and less
Accurate Diagnosis of ADHD in the Absence of Teacher Reports
Friday Feedback: Behavioral Therapy for Common Conditions
Smartphone alerts increase inattention, hyperactivity
For ADHD, Start With Behavior Therapy, Not Drugs: CDC