ADHD in the Workplace? Here’s How to Succeed.

 ADHD Weekly 2016-06-23

When you have ADHD, the workplace can be a daily challenge. Many people with ADHD find ways to adapt their workstation to meet their needs or seek accommodations with their company that help them to be more successful. But many people still continue to struggle in the workplace because of the symptoms of inattention, forgetfulness, and impatience.

Frances Prevatt, PhD, executive director of the Adult Learning Evaluation Center at Florida State University, has helped adults with ADHD find ways to succeed in their workplaces. She offers suggestions for struggling employees in the Attention magazine article, Survival Tips for the World of Work

“If you have a diagnosis of ADHD, it is probably difficult for you to put in an eight-hour day while maintaining maximum concentration. It may be hard for you to do this for even thirty minutes,” she writes. “ Fortunately, there are numerous coping strategies to help you focus.”

Dr. Prevatt suggests the following:

  • Make your physical environment less distracting.
  • Develop a system for prioritizing your day.
  • Keep a notebook handy. When a thought pops into your head, write it down to work on later.
  • Use your smartphone calendar or alarm to notify you of appointments or deadlines.
  • Straighten, file, and organize your workstation for five minutes at the end of each day.

Read the full article and more about ADHD and workplace issues.