Attention Magazine Subscription

$39.99 One-Year Subscription (6 issues) starting with the upcoming Issue.

Print Edition offer available in the US only.

Enjoy six issues of the high quality, beautifully produced print magazine, complemented by vivid and colorful photos and graphics.

Your first issue will be mailed in approximately four to six weeks.

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By checking this box I authorize CHADD to charge my credit card for the amount of $24.00, and to renew my Attention magazine subscription, without interruption, each year. I understand that I will be charged immediately for this year's subscription fee, that I will be notified before my credit card is charged in future years, and that I can cancel or activate my automatic renewal at any time.

Demographic Information

Collecting demographic information is part of the process by which CHADD staff can identify, understand and address unique needs of community we serve.

(mm/dd/yyyy) //
I have ADHD
My child(ren) has ADHD
My grandchild(ren) has ADHD
My client(s)/patient(s) has ADHD
My spouse/partner has ADHD
None of the above