Professional Directory

Private Practice | Physician (Other)

David Abramson, MD

Contact Name David Abramson, MD

442 5th Avenue #1218

New York, NEW YORK 10018

United States


I provide private practice psychiatric services to the those patients living and working with ADHD in NYC and the surrounding areas. In practice since 2009, I offer longer than average appointment times for more in depth understanding of your particular needs. I am based in Manhattan, NY and offer virtual appointments on a fee-for-service basis. In order to successfully treat ADHD, after the establishment of the diagnosis, I use a variety of pharmacologic interventions including traditional ones such as stimulant medications, non-stimulant medications and non-pharmacologic augmentation supplements depending on efficacy and patient preference. Comprehensive ADHD treatment may also include referral to my CBT colleagues or other providers such as ADHD coaches. While there is currently no 'cure' for ADHD, there ARE medications and strategies that can comprehensively address the impairing symptoms. Contact me to set up an intake appointment and let's see how i can help in YOUR life..

Additional Details

Category of Service Treatment for adults with ADHD

Licenses & Accreditations New York State licensed Physician/Psychiatrist

Years of Experience 15

Populations Served Adults|Adolescents

Provides Remote Support Yes

Accepts Health Insurance No

AcceptsMethod of Payment Visa|MasterCard|Discover|American Express

Sliding Scale Payments No