ADHD in the News 2024-05-16

Lenard A. Adler, MD: “Symptoms of ADHD Need to Go Back to Childhood”

Symptoms of ADHD do not appear out of thin air in adulthood, Lenard, A. Adler, from NYU Langone Health told HCPLive during the annual American Psychiatric Association (APA) conference in New York.“The symptoms of ADHD need to go back to childhood,” Alder said in the interview. He explained the diagnostic ADHD screening requires a significant onset of attentional, hyperactivity, or impulsivity symptoms in childhood.

ADHD, asthma, and economic hardship: New research suggests a causal pathway

In a recent study conducted published in npj Mental Health Research, researchers found significant associations between family income, asthma, and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children. The findings provide evidence for a causal pathway where lower family income not only directly leads to more severe ADHD symptoms but also has an indirect effect through asthma in early childhood.

ADHD Can Carry into Adulthood, and Could Lead to Depression and Anxiety

Learn why attention deficit hyperactivity disorder starts in childhood, but some people don’t outgrow it.

Customized Video Games Promising for ADHD, Depression, in Kids

Targeted video games could help reduce symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression in children and adolescents, results of a new review and meta-analysis suggested.

Pharmacological treatment reduces specific crimes in adolescents with ADHD

A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), published by Elsevier, found that pharmacological treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reduced violence- and public-order related crimes. However, it did not reduce other types of crimes, among patients with ADHD in early to late adolescence considered to be in the grey zone (or on the margin) for such treatment.

Energy drinks can lead to serious heart issues in kids and teens, health experts say

[Excerpt] For children taking certain medication, the risk can be even greater. "A lot of children and adolescents are on psychoactive medications, for example ADHD medications, or people with asthma who are taking inhalers are also at risk; those inhalers have stimulant effects," said Font. "When you start combining stimulants, those cardiovascular effects can get more dangerous."

7 Sneaky Signs Of ADHD In Women

Earlier this spring, actress Busy Philipps announced that she was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) alongside her 15-year-old daughter. Philipps’ diagnosis is part of a recent trend of more and more women and girls being diagnosed with ADHD.

The Future Role of Orexin Agonists for the Treatment of Narcolepsy, EDS, and Beyond

In this video, Greg Mattingly, MD, president, Midwest Research Group, and Psych Congress Steering Committee Member, explains the neurobiological processes by which sleep can become disrupted. Dr Mattingly also introduces innovative sleep disorder solutions made possible through the orexin receptor and its ability to modulate disordered sleep.

Living With and Learning From Inconsistent Behavior in ADHD

KEY POINTS: Inconsistency in ADHD can feel befuddling and lead to conflict. Inconsistent performance is a marker for any of us of a skill that isn't fully formed yet. When a child with ADHD seems unusually inconsistent, that frequently reveals a skill that needs building. If inconsistency is persistently disruptive, consider an objective review of possible ADHD interventions.

Mental Health Awareness Month: Addressing Underdiscussed Mental Health Issues in the Black Community

In an interview with BET, mental health experts stress the importance of understanding and accepting conditions like autism, ADHD, and borderline personality disorder in the Black community to reduce stigma and improve care.

How to navigate the national Adderall shortage

It’s been more than a year since the FDA announced a national shortage of a popular medication prescribed to those living with ADHD.

Learn to Rewire Your ADHD Brain to Improve Cognitive Skills

KEY POINTS: Neuroplasticity is when the brain can rewire itself based on our daily experiences. Novel environments can improve executive function skills in individuals with ADHD. Exercise, artistic expression, and even playing video games can boost cognitive functioning.