ADHD in the News

ADHD in the News 2018-12-06

December 6, 2018

African-American mothers rate boys higher for ADHD

Is ADHD Really Increasing?

Review: Stimulants Can Help People With ADHD + Drug Use


ADHD in the News 2018-11-29

November 29, 2018

ADHD: First genetic risk locations uncovered

ADHD and Its Impact on Longevity

Youngest Children In A Class Are Most Likely To Get ADHD Diagnosis


ADHD in the News 2018-11-15

November 15, 2018

Impulsivity in Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD

New study by UNC-CH researchers finds that walking while listening to Walking Classroom podcasts improves student learning, retention, and mood

How to Cut Down on Internet Time With ADHD


ADHD in the News 2018-11-08

November 8, 2018

Methylphenidate for ADHD Treatment May Be Associated With Low BMI

Therapy putty does not improve focus in kids with ADHD

What’s ‘neurodiversity’? Movement promotes rights, hiring for people with ADHD, dyslexia, on autism spectrum


ADHD in the News 2018-11-01

November 1, 2018

ADHD Neuroimaging: What’s New?

ADHD: A 24-Hour Disorder

New ADHD statements aimed at helping primary care providers improve diagnosis and treatment


ADHD in the News 2018-10-25

October 25, 2018

How schools can optimize support for children with ADHD

New Developments in EEG Brain Scans Could Help Spot Mental Disorders “Early”

4 Things I Want People Without ADHD to Know


ADHD in the News 2018-10-18

October 18, 2018

Is that brain fog really adult ADHD?

Relationships between neurological and psychiatric disorders: Could migraine and ADHD be correlated?

History of ADHD Associated With Increased Risk for Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum Disorders


ADHD in the News 2018-10-11

October 11, 2018

An Upshot of Having ADHD? ‘Outside the Box’ Thinking

Overlap in traits of autism, attention deficit persists into adulthood

What Employees With ADHD Want You To Know


ADHD in the News 2018-10-04

October 4, 2018

Smaller Brain Regions Associated With ADHD, Conduct Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents

Do Diet and Nutrition Affect ADHD? Facts and Clinical Considerations

Issues Pertaining to Misuse of ADHD Prescription Medications


ADHD in the News 2018-09-27

September 27, 2018

Improving Medication Adherence in ADHD Lowers Risk for Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder in Adulthood

UMD professors start ADHD counseling group

The Pivotal Role of Adults in Teen ADHD Care


ADHD in the News 2018-09-20

September 20, 2018

ADHD medication use increases over time, but variations exist

Study examines harmful effects of some food additives on children

What Science Says About Video Games and ADHD


ADHD in the News 2018-09-13

September 13, 2018

ADHD may increase risk of Parkinson’s disease and similar disorders

Adderall shows adverse effects in students without ADHD

Differences in Efficacy and Tolerability of ADHD Medications Across Age Groups

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