ADHD in the News

ADHD in the News 2018-09-06

September 6, 2018

ADHD Rates Rising Sharply in U.S. Kids

Similar changes in the brains of patients with ADHD and emotional instability

Exergaming can improve executive function in children with ADHD


ADHD in the News 2018-08-30

August 30, 2018

Examining the association between television usage and ADHD: An analysis from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health

Your genes could make you more likely to crave marijuana, a new study finds

Mental health issues impacting millennials, baby boomers and just about everyone, new research shows


ADHD in the News 2018-08-23

August 23, 2018

Video Game ‘Rewires’ ADHD Brain to Improve Attention

Largest brain study of 62,454 scans identifies drivers of brain aging

To medicate or not? The thorny mental health issue in the NBA


ADHD in the News 2018-08-16

August 16, 2018

Study identifies distinct origin of ADHD in children with history of brain injury

Obesity, diabetes in pregnancy may raise kids’ risk of psychiatric disorders

Opioid Use Rising in ADHD Patients on Stimulants


ADHD in the News 2018-08-09

August 9, 2018

Study zeroes in on two most effective drugs for ADHD

ADHD treatment may be needed by hundreds of thousands more children, experts suggest

FDA Approves Methylphenidate PM Formulation for Pediatric ADHD


ADHD in the News 2018-08-02

August 2, 2018

How stimulant treatments for ADHD work

Can we predict the long-term outcome of boys with ADHD?

Individual training of parents is best for small children with ADHD


ADHD in the News 2018-07-26

July 26, 2018

ADHD tied to increased concussion risk for kids

ADHD More Common in Women with Fibromyalgia, Study Shows

Without ADHD, ‘study drugs’ may only make you feel smarter


ADHD in the News 2018-07-19

July 19, 2018

Could smartphone use be linked to ADHD in teens?

What you need to know about that study linking ADHD symptoms and digital media use

Therapy dogs effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD, study finds


ADHD in the News 2018-07-12

July 12, 2018

Parents with Severe Childhood Trauma More Likely to Have Kids with Behavior Issues

Nonstimulants May Be an Appropriate Alternative to Stimulants for Treating ADHD

Looking at the Evidence on Meditation and ADHD


ADHD in the News 2018-06-28

June 28, 2018

ADHD Higher in Preterm Babies, Especially Girls

Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy does not appear to increase symptoms of ADHD

Fabiano’s ‘first job’ training continues work with ADHD adolescents


ADHD in the News 2018-06-21

June 21, 2018

Cutting Edge’ Program For Children With Autism And ADHD Rests On Razor-Thin Evidence

Influence of Psychostimulants on BMI and Height in Youth With ADHD

When Stimulants Help With Anxiety


ADHD in the News 2018-06-14

June 14, 2018

Researchers identify 3 novel etiological pathways underlying impairments in adolescent and adult ADHD

Spotlight on special education: Who’s included in Berkeley’s ‘full inclusion’ program?

Antipsychotic Drugs for ADHD Increase Risk of Obesity and Diabetes in Children, Study Says

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