2022 Educator of the Year Award

The Educator of the Year Award honors educators who have demonstrated outstanding achievement as an educator of students with ADHD. It recognizes and rewards the special skills and excellence of educators throughout the United States.
This award gives recognition to general or special educators of students with ADHD. The nominee should exemplify the highest standards of their profession, and should be an educator who, through their influence past and present on the lives of young people with ADHD, has made significant contributions to their school and/or communities. The recipient of this award will be recognized in the following ways:
- Complimentary registration to the 2022 International Conference on ADHD at the Hyatt Regency Dallas)
- A plaque engraved with the recipient’s name
- Acknowledgement at the one of the keynote sessions
- A photo and bio in the 2022 Annual International Conference Program Book
- A poster with photo and bio that will be displayed at the 2022 conference
The Educator of the Year Award is open to all US teaching or administrative personnel who substantially meet the listed criteria listed. An educator may receive this award only once.
Criteria include, but are not limited to the following:
- Recognition of teaching or administrative excellence and creativity which benefits students with ADHD. Excellence must be verified by letters of support (see Procedures section below).
Long-term commitment to excellence and originality in meeting the needs of students with ADHD, as demonstrated by:
- Excellent performance of daily responsibilities and consistent devotion of time and energy to the student with ADHD, beyond the requirements of the nominee’s position
- Development of effective and innovative teaching techniques, methods, materials, or new programs to enhance, strengthen, and encourage students with ADHD to actively and enthusiastically engage with the learning process
- Active and creative participation in developing and monitoring of the personal education plans for students with ADHD
- Demonstration of sensitivity to and respect for student inquiry and discussion both in and out of the classroom
- Continuous efforts to evaluate and improve their own performance as an educator
- Documentation of academic or social achievements by students with ADHD that reflects the efforts of the nominee
- Development of a program or system that engages the parent and improves interaction between school and home
Procedure for Nominating a Candidate for the Award
The selection committee requires two (2) letters of nomination from individuals who are familiar with the nominee’s accomplishments. At least one of the two letters must come from a supervisor who has observed the nominee’s work within the school system.
Each letter of nomination, in 1,000 words or less, should include:
- At least five of the seven criteria that apply to the nominee (see list of Criteria above)
- The nominee’s name, work and home telephone numbers and addresses, email address, and a brief description of the nominee’s current professional position
- A statement of the nominee’s educational philosophy
- A chronological list of all relevant educational experience
- Any additional relevant supportive documentation
Send nominations to:
CHADD, Conference Department, 4221 Forbes Blvd., Suite 270, Lanham, MD 20706, ATTN: Educator of the Year.
Early submissions will be appreciated by the Awards Committee. Nominations must be submitted and postmarked by Friday, June 3, 2022.
The Awards Committee will announce the award recipient by Friday, July 29, 2022.