CHADD Webinar: Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher

CHADD Webinar Highlight
Communicating with
Your Child’s Teacher
Featuring Linda Karanzalis, MS
Let Me Introduce You to My Child: Watch Part 1 Now
Supporting Your Child at School: Watch Part 2 Now
Download Talking with Your Child’s Teacher About ADHD—Discussion Guide
The school year will begin soon. Many parents take the opportunity to just before school begins to reach out to their children’s new classroom teachers to establish a partnership for their children’s educations. They have learned that collaborating with their child’s teacher on their academic achievements, and by helping with homework and studying, they can make their child’s learning experience a gratifying one. They also know that teachers who have good support from parents will each out when students face challenges in academics or behavior and together they can put in place solutions before problems get out of hand.
Linda Karanzalis provides viewers with ways to introduce their child to a new teacher at the beginning of the school year. She discusses new ways to communicate with educators about how ADHD affects your child, how to highlight current accommodations that are in place, strategies that have and haven’t worked, and how to ask for and incorporate the teacher’s ideas into a good educational plan.
Linda Karanzalis, MS, is a former special education classroom teacher in the areas of learning disabilities, ADHD, social-emotional learning, social skills training, and behavior management. As a pioneer in the field, she began to break the barriers and forge the way for students of all ages by establishing ADDvantages Learning Center in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
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