Webinar: Hormones and ADHD in Women in Midlife

CHADD Webinar
Frenzied, Frazzled and Overwhelmed:
The Interaction of Hormones and ADHD in Women in Midlife
Wednesday, Sept. 28 | 2 PM EDT | Carol Robbins, PhD
Many women struggle at midlife with undiagnosed and untreated ADHD. These struggles can be complicated by hormonal changes and lifestyle changes during these years. Women typically report feeling overwhelmed, inadequate, misunderstood, and distressed at a time in their lives when they often have the greatest demands on their time and energy. Their problems can be made worse by the denial of the existence of ADHD in high-functioning women by many physicians, mental health practitioners, and members of the public. These women end up getting the runaround: getting treated for stress, anxiety, or depression without any recognition of the underlying ADHD at the root of their struggles.
Many women approaching menopause experience hormone changes that can fuel underlying ADHD, which can make milder forms of ADHD less manageable. These women are left wondering why they now feel so overwhelmed and like the are “losing it.” They worry about early onset Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of memory loss. It’s ADHD squared—the combined effect of low estrogen plus low dopamine.
This presentation will help participants understand the effect hormones have on ADHD symptoms and learn strategies to optimize brain functioning, and make lifestyle changes to improve their overall well-being. Dr. Carol Robbins will explain the effects of hormonal changes, describing the effect on underlying ADHD symptoms on women. Her goal is to help women move from shame and self-blame to self-understanding and empowerment.
Carol Ann Robbins, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD across the lifespan. She has served as coordinator of the Anne Arundel County, Maryland, chapter of CHADD since 2002. Dr. Robbins is a seasoned speaker, presenter, and author, as well as past president of the Maryland Psychological Association and coordinator of the MPA Post-Doctoral Institute on ADHD Across the Lifespan.