CHADD Backgrounds

Individual CHADD logos can be downloaded by placing your mouse cursor over the image and then right-click (the right button on the mouse) and select the appropriate option from the menu. On Mac computers hold down Control key and then click the image to open a drop-down menu.

1. CHADD/NRC Screen Background

Dimensions: 1080 x 720
Width: 1080 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Horizontal resolution: 96 pixels/inch
Vertical resolution: 96 pixels/inch

CHADD/NRC Screen Background

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2. CHADD/NRC Screen Background

Dimensions: 1080 x 720
Width: 1080 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Horizontal resolution: 96 pixels/inch
Vertical resolution: 96 pixels/inch

CHADD/NRC Screen Background

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3. Conference 2021 Screen Background

Dimensions: 1080 x 720
Width: 1080 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Horizontal resolution: 96 pixels/inch
Vertical resolution: 96 pixels/inch

Conference 2021 Screen Background

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4. Conference 2021 Screen Background

Dimensions: 1080 x 720
Width: 1080 pixels
Height: 720 pixels
Horizontal resolution: 96 pixels/inch
Vertical resolution: 96 pixels/inch

Conference 2021 Screen Background

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