
Preparing for the Next Crisis: Your Circle of Care

ADHD NEWSSTAND FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS Preparing for the Next Crisis: Your Circle of Care by Marie S. Paxson Attention Magazine August 2019 Download PDF Can you really prepare for


Giftedness and ADHD: A Strengths-Based Perspective and Approach

…to ADHD as the second exceptionality). Gifted children suffer when undue expectations exist without consideration of other complex characteristics that define their day-to-day experience. Children identified with ADHD become deficit-focused…


Understanding and Supporting Your Emerging Adult

for example); agoraphobia, the fear of not being able to escape a particular situation; and obsessive compulsive disorder, where an individual has excessive worry and then must engage in some…


Flipping the Script on ADHD

…going into combat, putting out fires and delegating commands without getting his to-do list completed. Although he felt his ADHD helped him to multitask, he came home exhausted and feeling…


ADHD, Autism, and More: What Goes Into Getting a Diagnosis?

…what you feel), an exam, and medical tests. Tests could include bloodwork, X-rays, MRIs, EKG, or other tests. Increasingly, doctors do DNA tests that contribute genetic information to the diagnostic…


Growing College Success from First Semester Failure

…by subtle to increasingly evident and intensifying indicators. For example, an occasional missed class and poor preparation for a test increasingly becomes the norm of infrequent attendance, never preparing for,…


Understanding Research Studies

…to help you understand research studies and how to interpret their results. Not all research studies are alike-Each study has a specific research question and comes with limitations, which are…


Everyone’s So Tense All the Time

…used to live next door, and our combined six kids flowed comfortably in and out of each other’s homes. Our house had a constant swirl, an unmistakable energy that seemed to…


Those Lovely β€˜Mones: The Intersection of ADHD and Hormones

…might seem logical that testosterone plays a role in ADHD. Research does not support that theory, though. Free testosterone levels were the same for ADHD boys and girls as their…


Why Can’t I Do This? ADHD and Overwhelming Emotions

…intense that they overtook your mind, resulting in a lack of normal functioning? Perhaps you blanked in a job interview, shut down during an exam, or spent days wiped out…


The ADHD Dream to Dream

…individuals with ADHD, those fifteen minutes are agonizingly boring (uncomfortable). Reflexively, the ADHD brain seeks something to entertain itself until it passes out from exhaustion. When people come to me…


Special Education & the Pandemic: Three Things to Know

…*The National Center for Learning Disabilities provides excellent and timely resources, including discussion of possible options for compensatory services, for educators ( and for parents ( Richard Weinfeld directs Weinfeld…

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