
Quiet Your Inner Critic

…Making Friends with Yourself: A Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Teens, the teen adaptation of Mindful Self-Compassion, and Embracing Your Life, the young adult adaptation.   contents marketplace Children and Adults with…


What I Learned from Interviewing 24 Men with Inattentive ADHD

young age, without understanding why. My teachers said, “You’re here, but not really here.” As a young child, I announced at a family gathering, “Sometimes I drift off the planet.”…


Explaining ADHD to Kids

…a child sees themself for the rest of their life. Explaining ADHD to anyone is complicated, never mind a young child! For starters, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: is not actually…


ADHD and the Increasing Suicide Rate Among Black Youth

…is young Black males. The assumption would be that depression significantly contributes to the increase in suicides. However, new studies indicate that much of the increase correlates to untreated ADHD…


ADHD? I Don’t Believe in It!

…disorder experienced by more than five percent of young people and their families. A disorder whose symptoms respond well to treatment.” But… many folks still choose not to “believe” in…


Digital Intervention Software: “Brain Training” for ADHD

…et al. (2017). Annual Research Review: Digital health interventions for children and young people with mental health problems-a systematic and meta-review. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, v58 n4, p.474-503….


An ADHD Book Flood for the Gifting Season

…school. Realistically designed for the needs of teenagers and with a deep understanding of ADHD in teens, it is an empowering resource for communication, advocacy, and action. Launching into Young


Perfectionism and ADHD Can Become Unhealthy for Children

…by children and teens and in the heighten competitiveness seen in everything from children’s sports, their grades, and eventual career choices. For the young person who has ADHD, perfectionism has…


ADHD on TikTok

…Olivia Little. “TikTok Is Enabling Predatory ADHD Advertisers to Target Young Users.” Media Matters for America, 2/8/2022. Find them on TikTok: Dr. Ned Hallowell: Dr. Sasha Hamdani:…


Why Are Black Preschoolers with ADHD Expelled?

…for hitting his peers. Preschool is a time of rapid development when young children are learning social, emotional, and behavioral skills necessary for success. As children are learning these skills,…


Living Black with Undiagnosed and Untreated ADHD

…testing a young man, he was six years old, for ADHD. Disruptive in class, not staying on task, getting into it with other kids, and the teacher was like, “I…


Healthcare Disparities and ADHD

…Tortolero Emery, Susan L. Davies, Susanna N. Visser, Mark A. Schuster; Racial and Ethnic Disparities in ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment. Pediatrics, September 2016; 138 (3): e20160407. 10.1542/peds.2016-0407 Young, S., Adamo,…

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