
Diagnosis of ADHD in Adults

…include losing a job because of ADHD symptoms, experiencing excessive conflict and distress in a marriage, getting into financial trouble because of impulsive spending, failure to pay bills in a…


Building Better Homework Habits

ADHD NEWSSTAND FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS Title by author content   contents marketplace Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)CHADD does not endorse products, services, publications, medications, or treatments, including those…


Midyear Reboot: Five Strategies for Building Effective Habits in Children and Teens

…habits We usually develop habits to help us to lower stress or meet an emotional need. They may serve us when we start them and then cease to be useful….


The Back-to-School Toolkit When Kids and Parents Have ADHD

…panic on a school night because something slipped your mind. If your child’s not swamped with homework but could use a little organizational TLC, cue the Clean Sweep on Sundays….


Flipping the Script on ADHD

used as an asset for developing a career that is meant just for you? Do not skip past careers that you would love, because you believe your ADHD means you…


When You Can’t Get the ADHD Medication You Want

…because of production limits imposed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Families may have difficulty accessing a specific medication even when there are no production issues. For example, in…


Asking Powerful Questions

…and games to master the Pythagorean theorem. For our reluctant writers, we’ve developed color-coded graphic organizers and used cool software like Rev. But, I can tell you from my many…


Becoming Comfortable in Your Own Skin

…heart. Today I use various practices to reduce the pressure to “get it right” and instead focus on being my best self, flaws and all. Here are five ways to…


NRC Toolkit Survey – Suicide Prevention for Youth with ADHD

…an … (please select ALL that apply)   adult with ADHD   child/teen with ADHD   parent/caregiver of child/teen   parent of adult with ADHD   spouse/partner of adult with ADHD   family member   friend   medical…


NRC Toolkit Survey – ADHD and School During a Pandemic

…an … (please select ALL that apply)   adult with ADHD   child/teen with ADHD   parent/caregiver of child/teen   parent of adult with ADHD   spouse/partner of adult with ADHD   family member   friend   medical…


Irritable and Overwhelmed? Signs of Parental Burnout

You’re not just feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or irritable. You may be experiencing signs of parental burnout. Parenting children with ADHD and other health conditions can cause increased stress. Job pressures,…


Green Time for ADHD

…encourages time spent outdoors in green settings, states that the recent closing of school campuses due to the pandemic and the gradual reopening this school year provide a unique opportunity…

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