
CHADD is part of a social movement that seeks to shape the conversation on how society treats, accommodates, and views people affected by ADHD. Our movement is made up of countless people affected by ADHD, their families, teachers, friends, and leaders in the fields of ADHD research, education, and mental health. We realize the most effective way to accomplish our goals is through sustained and strategic outreach to policymakers on the state and federal levels.

We are making a difference for for families and adults affected ADHD. And we need your help! We want you to be equipped with information to make a difference in your own life, whether that means dealing with issues in the classroom, the boardroom, or your living room.


CHADD Public Policy Virtual Lunch & Learn

April 22, 2024

CHADD Public Policy Virtual Lunch & Learn The CHADD Public Policy Lunch and Learn is a quarterly virtual event designed to educate legislators, congressional staff, agency representatives, and other relevant stakeholders about ADHD and the myriad issues related to ADHD. Bring your own lunch and join us online for this event. Upcoming Lunch and Learn:…

You Can Help Protect the Rights of Students with ADHD

March 11, 2024

Urgent action is needed to encourage the US Department of Education to release updated rules on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which provides educational accommodations for children who have ADHD. The process for this release has currently slowed due to a complication at the US Department of Justice, and time is running…

Tips for Handling the Medication Shortage

August 11, 2023

ADHD Medication Shortages: What to Know and Do By Andrew Adesman, MD, and Anna Krevskaya, MD Attention, October 2023 In recent years, many new stimulant medications have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of ADHD. These new formulations vary in their duration of benefit, and many offer new ways…

A Way You Can Address the Medication Shortage

June 28, 2023

We have heard the frustrations many members of the ADHD community are experiencing when they go to refill their ADHD medications, the disappointment and worry when the pharmacy is unable to fill a prescription because of the ongoing shortage. CHADD’s public policy committee is pursuing all appropriate channels to bring this to the attention of…


Developing Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult ADHD Guidelines: DaTAA Project

In 2022, CHADD received funds from a generous donor to sponsor and support the development of national guidelines in the U.S. for the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD. This milestone has been achieved due to the sustained efforts of our Public Policy Committee and builds on the committee’s published recommendations emerging from a national CHADD summit held in 2019 (see “The Adverse Health Outcomes, Economic Burden, and Public Health Implications of Unmanaged ADHD,” Journal of Attention Disorders, 2022 Apr;26(6):807-808). The group has been named the “DATAA Project” (Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult ADHD) and consists of a coalition of organizations focused on this goal, including the American Psychiatric Association, The American Psychological Association, The American Academy of Neurology, The American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and The National Alliance on Mental Illness. In 2023, CHADD signed an agreement to coordinate efforts on the project with The American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD). Working together with APSARD, the coalition expects to launch guidelines in 2025 and develop resources and toolkits for providers across the U.S. to implement these new diagnostic and treatment guidelines.


The Adverse Health Outcomes, Economic Burden, and Public Health Implications of Unmanaged Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Call to Action to Improve the Quality of Life and Life Expectancy of People with ADHD


Proceedings of the ADHD Public Health Summit
Washington, DC
October 7, 2019


Presented by Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)