Talk Saves Lives: Preventing Deaths from SuicideAsk The Expert

Original Air Date March 21, 2024 | 6:30 PM ET

Steven Schonfeld MD

Presented by CHADD Southern Regional Center

Many people struggling with feelings of depression and hopelessness might think about ending their own lives. Sadly, this is a big reason why many people die in the United States, even though it could have been prevented. It doesn’t matter who you are, people across all demographics and socioeconomic backgrounds, can be at risk, including both adults and children with ADHD and other co-occurring disorders.

Steven Schonfeld, MD, will discuss in this special webinar the risks and protective factors associated with suicide. He’ll explain what things might make someone think about suicide, as well as signs that someone might be feeling this way. He’ll also give advice on what you can do if you’re worried about a friend or family member, even if they are a young child. Dr. Schonfeld will also talk about how certain situations and health problems can make someone think about suicide. It’s important for parents to know that things like underage drinking and taking dangerous risks can make it worse.

This event is going to be a safe space for talking about suicide prevention. It’s okay if you don’t want to appear on camera or share your name. This talk will not be recorded.

Steven Schonfeld, MD, is a retired pulmonary specialist who practiced in Baltimore, Maryland, for forty years as director of Critical Care, Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine at Sinai Hospital. He also practiced at Johns Hopkins and Medstar Hospitals. He has been a volunteer with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for ten years and lectures regularly on suicide prevention. He serves as a member of the newly formed Maryland State Suicide Fatality Review Committee that reports to the governor and state legislature.