ADHD in the News 2015-08-11

The handcuffed boy video: How to discipline children with ADHD

The disturbing video of the 8-year-old Kentucky boy with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, who was allegedly handcuffed at the biceps by a sheriff's deputy at his elementary school, has led to a national debate about what is the best way to discipline and deal with children with disabilities...experts who treat and work with children suffering from ADHD say using handcuffs is not an appropriate way to deal with children with special needs

Adult ADHD: Recognition and Treatment Approaches

Common problems reported in adult with ADHD include difficulties with focusing, distraction, organization, forgetfulness, losing things, and time management. Common problems reported in adult with ADHD include difficulties with focusing, distraction, organization, forgetfulness, losing things, and time estimated 5% of adults worldwide have the disorder, and long-term follow-up studies suggest that it persists into adulthood in half of those diagnosed in childhood.

Can You Treat ADHD Without Drugs?

""Your child has ADHD."" For most families, that means the beginning of a long trek through the world of pharmaceuticals. Medications are the top treatment for ADHD, and they're effective for 80% of kids with the disorder. But many parents worry about side effects and want to exhaust every other option before they put their child on medicine. No matter what your decision is, you can help your child live a calmer, more successful life

What Happens to Children with Behavioral Disorders?

In a paper published in the high-impact journal JAMA Psychiatry, William Copeland, Dieter Wolke, Lilly Shanahan, and E. Jane Costello report the results of a prospective, community-based study of over 1200 young people investigating what happens to children with clinically significant behavioral symptoms in terms of their abilities to function as young adults.

An Epilepsy Comorbidity to Watch Out For

I am Dr Andrew Wilner...Today I have the pleasure of welcoming an old friend to Medscape, Dr Alan Ettinger. Alan is an epileptologist and director of the epilepsy program in Lake Success, New York. Alan has a keen interest in epilepsy and comorbidities, particularly psychiatric comorbidities...I've spotted a paper that Alan recently published on epilepsy and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and I thought the findings were very intriguing

ADHD and Adults: Are You Believing these Erroneous Beliefs?

When you’re first diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you might have mixed emotions. On the one hand, you might feel relieved to finally have an explanation for your symptoms...On the other hand, you might feel disappointed, angry or ashamed...You also might adopt unhelpful perspectives that only exacerbate your negative thoughts and stop you from navigating ADHD successfully. Below, clinical psychologist and ADHD expert Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D, shared two belief systems along with why they’re wrong.

New York Times Science Site Targets Curious (But Distractible) Students

""School is out, but science is everywhere."" That's the tagline for a new, savvy feature on the New York Times website called ""Summer of Science."" The microsite has bite-size, ADHD-friendly explanations of, well, cool science stuff. For instance, last week there was a post on the rare six-inch pocket shark, which has narrow slits (""pockets"") above its fins that have befuddled scientists.