ADHD in the News 2016-06-02

New thinking on kids with ADHD: ‘Healthy lifestyle’ could be effective intervention

Helping children with ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, bring their symptoms under control often involves elaborate school plans and accommodations, time-consuming behavior therapy and stimulant drugs...Researcher Kathleen Holton, a behavioral neuroscientist at American University, suggests in a newly published study in the Journal of Attention Disorders that a "healthy lifestyle" may also make a difference.

ADHD medication linked to slightly increased risk of heart rhythm problems

Use of methylphenidate in children and young people with ADHD is associated with a slightly increased risk of abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) shortly after the start of treatment, suggests new research.

Exposure to nicotine could lead to ADHD, behavioral disorders in babies

A new study conducted at Yale shows that early exposure to nicotine can change a baby’s brain chemistry. This can lead to behavioral changes, as well as the development of disorders like attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addiction, and conduct disorder.

How America Treats Preschoolers With ADHD, In Charts

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends for kids that young, the first line of treatment is something called parent behavior training, which teaches parents how to help their children act in socially appropriate ways and learn. Only after that fails should children try stimulant drugs. Yet studies by the CDC of employer-based insurance and Medicaid show that the opposite is happening.

ADHD: Do the Eyes Have It?

Examining the retina may aid in the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), new research shows. Confirming prior work, researchers observed that patients with untreated ADHD have elevated "background noise" on pattern electroretinography (PERG) compared with healthy controls. They now report that the elevated noise normalizes with treatment for ADHD, with PERG patterns on par with those in healthy controls.

How to Optimize Your ADHD Treatment

Some people equate ‘treatment for ADHD’ with ‘medication’, yet research clearly shows that even though medication can help many with their ADHD symptoms (not all), medication alone is not as good as it gets. As treatment for ADHD is somewhat personal – i.e. the same things don’t work for everyone – it’s helpful to use the conceptual framework below to understand whether you can further improve your treatment.

How to Help Children and Teens with ADHD Stay on Task

Many children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) have a hard time keeping track of their assignments, after-school activities, doctor’s appointments, and other daily tasks and commitments. Parents, of course, often take on the responsibility of reminding them about these things and making sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. While that certainly helps in the short term and can minimize parenting headaches, providing kids affected by ADHD with opportunities and tools to develop organizational skills is a better long-term strategy.

Teens, ADHD and Sleep: A Complicated Mix

Teenagers need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night to be at their best, but many fall short of getting that amount consistently. Lack of sleep can affect attention, mood and daily functioning in any teen. But the consequences may be magnified in teens with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Unfortunately, sleep problems are very common in this group. Prevalence estimates vary, but studies suggest that 30% to 75% of youth with ADHD don’t get enough sleep.