ADHD in the News 2017-07-27

‘Are we there yet?’ Explaining ADHD science to children

Researchers reported their latest brain research on ADHD in a scientific journal targeting -- and peer-reviewed by -- children...the Frontiers for Young Minds is an electronic scientific journal whose primary audience comprises children from elementary and junior high schools. Moreover, children are also involved in the fact-checking process necessary for any respected scientific journal, including the thorough peer-review of submitted articles.

Screening for ADHD With 2 Questions

For ADHD researchers, coming up with more efficient ways of diagnosing the disorder is a work in progress...Recently, a team of researchers from Brown University proposed a new screening tool consisting of just two questions. (Perfect for people with short attention spans!) The questions asked people about two things:

Do you have to accommodate ADD sufferers? Court says …

HR pros know they have to be open to accommodating individuals with disabilities under the ADA. But does the same apply to those with ADD or ADHD? According to a recent decision by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD), a state agency with the power to resolve cases of discrimination, the answer appears to be “yes.”

What Methods Can Help Manage ADHD-Related Time Blindness?

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and frequently struggle with estimating how long something may take or find time management in general a challenge, it’s possible that something called time blindness is at hand. “Everyone struggles with this on occasion,” says Ari Tuckman, a clinical psychologist with a private practice in West Chester, Pennsylvania, who specializes in ADHD, anxiety and life balance for adolescents and adults. “But people with ADHD do more so.”

Expert couldn’t show lead paint causes ADHD; Verdict of $1.3M overturned

The Maryland Court of Appeals concluded that a expert cited in a lead exposure case did not provide support for her conclusion that exposure could cause a clinical diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder."

Don’t Believe the Spin: Fidget Spinners Have No Proven Benefits

Fidget spinners may be fun toys, but there is no science behind claims that they help kids with attention and focus, according to a new review article. The review, which was published July 7 in the journal Current Opinion in Pediatrics, found that no research had specifically focused on the impact of these hot new toys on thinking, attention or recall.

Obese Mothers May Be More Likely To Have Anxious Children

A new study has found a link between a high-fat diet in pregnant primates and brain development problems in their offspring, and suggests that the same may be true for humans. Although the research is preliminary, it could have important implications considering the high rate of obesity in American women.

What to Expect When You’re in a Relationship With Someone Who Has ADHD

For people who don’t have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and are in a relationship with someone who does, or if both people have ADHD, there could be challenges that transcend the typical ebbs and flows of a partnership.

Frustrated with Technology? Steps to Organize Your Electronic Life

Although it can be incredibly useful, technology still has the potential to create numerous issues for some individuals. Without the right knowledge of a particular app or program, some people may experience difficulties even with staying organized.

The Silver Lining in the ADHD Cloud

While some may aim for complete focus as a target, recent studies show that your brain can only take so much unfocus. To that extent, after adequate control of symptoms is achieved, it may make sense to leverage the symptoms of unfocus by developing the following lifestyle habits. Each will likely have a distinct advantage that may be counterintuitive, yet helpful.