ADHD in the News 2018-11-15

Impulsivity in Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD

Impulsivity is significantly associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD) and is indicated in bipolar disorder (BD) with the presence of traumatic childhood experiences, according to a study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.

New study by UNC-CH researchers finds that walking while listening to Walking Classroom podcasts improves student learning, retention, and mood

The Walking Classroom Institute ( has released results of a research study conducted in spring 2018 by researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and funded by the Oak Foundation, confirming that walking while listening to The Walking Classroom podcasts improves student learning as well as retention of information, student mood, and attitudes toward learning.

How to Cut Down on Internet Time With ADHD

Show me an ADHDer and I’ll show you a compulsive internet user in the making. The internet has almost everything the ADHD brain craves – instant rewards, constant stimulation, endless rabbit holes of information to go down. What could possibly go wrong?

Digital Technology Is Gambling With Children’s Minds

The psychological impact of digital technology on K-12 students has been the subject of considerable research. "Internet addiction," video game violence, and cyberbullying have received much attention. The impact of digital life on children's cognition is less familiar to young users, their parents, and teachers.

Teaching Digital Citizenship to Kids with Learning and Attention Issues

It's hard to overemphasize the importance of teaching our students how to use technology appropriately and responsibly. And what's just as important is making sure we're helping all our students build these essential digital citizenship skills...So how can you best think about teaching these critical skills to your students with learning and attention issues?

5 Traits of an ADHD-Friendly Teacher

If you’ve gone through school with ADHD, you can probably think of some frustrating classes you had and some teachers who weren’t sympathetic. If you’re lucky, you can also think of a teacher or two who stood out. They inspired you and encouraged you in a way that most other teachers didn’t...So what traits set an ADHD-friendly teacher apart? Here are five of them.

Are Artificial Food Flavors and Colorings Harmful?

Food flavors and colorings are commonly used to enhance the natural properties of chemical substances found in foods...Increasing attention is being paid to food additives used nowadays, with growing concerns about their safety and potential health risks. In particular, the effect on children’s development and behaviour is a topic of ongoing discussion.

AAP updates its concussion recommendations for children

Treating concussions -- particularly children's’ concussions -- can be tricky business. Doctors and parents both often struggle to find the right balance between easing kids back into regular activities and taking more precautionary measures. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently updated its concussion recommendations for children, making the treatment protocol much easier to follow and ensuring children receive the proper care.