ADHD in the News 2022-01-27

Maternal eating disorders increase risk for ADHD, autism spectrum disorders in offspring

Children born to mothers with active eating disorders during pregnancy demonstrated an elevated risk for developing ADHD and autism spectrum disorders, according to a Swedish population-based cohort study published in JAMA Network Open.  

Maternal intake of sweetened carbonated beverages may be associated with children’s ADHD symptoms

Norwegian, Swedish and Dutch researchers examining a large Norwegian population-based cohort recently reported in European Journal of Nutrition that daily maternal intake of sweetened carbonated beverages (SCB) in pregnancy was associated with an increase in ADHD symptoms among offspring at 8 years of age. The magnitude of associations in the study was weak (typically 15-21% increased relative risk of offspring having 6 or more ADHD symptoms), suggesting SCB only play a minor role in the aetiology of ADHD. However, further research into causal agents is warranted...

Beth Krone, PhD: The Link Between ADHD and Asthma

In a presentation during the annual 2022 American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) virtual conference, Beth Krone, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry with Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine, explained what is known about the association between ADHD and the immune system. In an interview with HCPLive®, Krone explained why this has been an understudied connection in the past and why a better understanding on the relationship between ADHD and the immune system could pay dividends.

Living With Both ADHD and OCD

KEY POINTS: Most people living with ADHD also experience other related conditions, such as anxiety or OCD. When ADHD and OCD occur together, they can exacerbate each other. Effective care starts with recognizing both conditions, and then implementing evidence-based interventions for both.

What to Know About ADHD and Brain Fog

This article explains the relationship between ADHD and the condition known as brain fog. It describes which thinking abilities can be affected by ADHD and it discusses treatments that may help clear the fog. “Brain fog” isn’t a scientific or medical term. Researchers sometimes refer to the experience as sluggish cognitive tempo — a temporary slowdown in your thinking abilities.

Virtual reality game can assess children’s ADHD symptoms

A new virtual reality game helps detect symptoms related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, which has been challenging with the existing tools...Together with professor of psychology Matti Laine from Åbo Akademi University and doctoral researcher Erik Seesjärvi from the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Salmitaival has developed a virtual reality game called EPELI (Executive Performance in Everyday Living) which simulates everyday situations and can be used to measure attention in normal conditions. The game is implemented by the Peili Vision Company in Helsinki.

A Guide to Adult ADHD Diagnosis

Research reviews show that worldwide, between 2.58 and 5.76 percentTrusted Source of adults have significant ADHD symptoms. Some of these adults have undoubtedly missed an early diagnosis, but there’s also a prevailing question among researchers who study adult ADHD: Can ADHD develop during adulthood, or are all adults with ADHD simply undiagnosed as children?