ADHD in the News 2023-08-24
The Best Ways To Manage ADHD (That Aren’t Medication)
[Excerpt] While the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends treating ADHD with a combination of behavior therapy and medication, the second has been the primary treatment option for managing ADHD symptoms. However, while opting for prescribed medication is not only perfectly fine but necessary for some people with this condition, it's important to note that other effective approaches are also available.
Looking for links between atopic dermatitis and ADHD
Researchers found an association between ADHD and three inflammatory conditions—atopic dermatitis, otitis media, and herpes simplex infection.
Adderall Shortages Are Dragging On—Can Video Games Help?
People with ADHD have been dealing with a stimulant shortage in the US for almost a year. Some researchers say digital therapeutics could help fill the gap.
4 Things Parents Of Kids With ADHD Should Do During Back-To-School Season
The classroom can be a challenging environment for a child with ADHD to navigate, and you’ll likely be anticipating the difficulties your child will face before you send them in for that first day of school.
Parents of ADHD students concerned how they will fare this school year as medication shortage persists
As supply has decreased, demand has steadily risen in recent years. Since 2012, overall dispensing of stimulants has increased by more than 45 percent in the U.S, according to data from the CDC.
Remote curriculum delivery during the pandemic creates optimal learning environment for medical students with disabilities
Medical students who reported a disability to their school increased by more than 25% during the COVID-19 pandemic, a study shows. The proportion of students reporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or chronic health and/or psychological disabilities has increased between 2015 and 2021.
ADHD and Cannabis
KEY POINTS: About 90% of ADHD patients have additional conditions including oppositional behavior, drug abuse, & anxiety. An imbalance in dopaminergic neurotransmission may underlie aspects of the behavioral complications of ADHD. Cannabis produces a hypodopaminergic environment that might explain its potential as a therapy for ADHD. However, the administration of cannabis to young brains has numerous negative consequences to be considered.
ADHD diagnoses in South Korea rise by 80% compared to 4 years ago: report
The number of South Korean children and teens diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder has risen by 80 percent over the last four years, a government agency report found.
TikTok’s ‘Undiagnosis’ Trend Spreads Misleading Mental Health Advice
When TikTok was primarily filled with choreographed group dances it was all in fun and games. But now mental health professionals are sounding the alarm over a flood of videos on the social media platform made by young people self-diagnosing their own emotional and psychological issues – and then declaring themselves “undiagnosed.”