ADHD Weekly 2016-06-23

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ADHD in the Workplace? Here’s How to Succeed.

When you have ADHD, the workplace can be a daily challenge. Many people with ADHD find ways to adapt their workstation to meet their needs or seek accommodations with their company that help them to be more successful. But many people still continue to struggle in the workplace because of the symptoms of inattention, forgetfulness,…

Can ADHD Occur Later in Life?

Can an adult be diagnosed with ADHD even though she didn’t have symptoms of the disorder in childhood or adolescence? There is growing evidence that ADHD is emerging for the first time in adulthood for a number of people. It was only recently that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders acknowledged, in the…

Q&A: What are Islands of Competence?

Question: I’ve heard the term islands of competence for children with ADHD, but I don’t understand what it means. Is it simply finding what your child is good at and focus just on that? ~ Mom in Virginia Answer: The idea of islands of competence was originally proposed by Robert B. Brooks, PhD, as a…

Build a Healthy ADHD Lifestyle Today

Can living a healthy lifestyle improve ADHD symptoms for children and adults? Studies have shown that some additions to your lifestyle could be helpful. Simple things you do today may help with some symptoms and help to improve your overall health. Work with a specialist Ask your health care provider to refer you to a…