ADHD Weekly 2017-04-20

For Teachers: Assignment Accommodations for Students
Join the discussion. The hallmark symptoms of ADHD–hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention–create challenges for students affected by the disorder. It is not that they are unwilling to sit still and listen, or focus on an assignment–they have difficulties trying to do it. So how do you help your students affected by ADHD learn? Assignment accommodations are…

Tips for Eating Healthy When Coping with ADHD
Join the discussion. Did you know your ADHD symptoms can interfere with a healthy diet? Distraction and hyperfocus can prevent you from paying attention to your body’s hunger cues. Poor time management can lead to letting grocery shopping and cooking fall by the wayside, or fast food meal options. And impulsivity can lead to eating…

Fishy or Not? Omega-3s and the ADHD Brain
Join the discussion. Question: A friend recently sent me an email claiming that I could take my son off of his stimulant medication if I gave him fish oil every day. Is this true or does the whole idea seem fishy to you? Answer: We are learning more about omega-3 fatty acids, which are present…