ADHD Weekly, August 4, 2022

When Balancing Social Media Use Becomes a Challenge
How much social media is too much? Does it seem like all your child talks about is the latest trending video? What about the amount of time your teen spends, head down over a cellphone or tablet, skimming the popular digital platforms? And then there are the flaring tempers and the snippy replies if you…

“Brain Training” Options for ADHD: New Fact Sheet
Solid research evidence supports two types of treatment for ADHD: medication and behavioral treatments (such as behavior management strategies and parent training in behavior management). Even though these treatments help most children with ADHD, they are not perfect. Many practitioners, parents, and patients themselves look for complementary approaches to include with their ADHD treatment plan.…

CHADD Webinar: Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher
CHADD Webinar Highlight Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher Featuring Linda Karanzalis, MS Let Me Introduce You to My Child: Watch Part 1 Now Supporting Your Child at School: Watch Part 2 Now Download Talking with Your Child’s Teacher About ADHD—Discussion Guide The school year will begin soon. Many parents take the opportunity to just before…