ADHD Weekly, December 16, 2021

Find Gifts from the Heart This Season

The holiday season seems to have one message: buy, buy, BUY! And the end result is often that you feel tired, financially stressed, and dismayed that those gifts are often received with lackluster appreciation. For adults who have ADHD, the spending season can lead to poor budgeting and overspending because of their ADHD symptoms. ADHD…

Helping Teens Avoid the Pitfalls in Spending

Impulse control is a challenge for teenagers, especially when they have ADHD. Blurting out comments in school or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to friends and family often lands them in hot water. That lack of effective impulse control can also extend to their pocketbooks and wallets. “The second my daughter gets…

CHADD Webinar Highlight: Anxiety, Perfectionism, and ADHD

Highlighted CHADD Webinar: Anxiety, Perfectionism, and ADHD Featuring Carol Ann Robbins, PhD When you think about ADHD, perfectionism may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but many describe adults with ADHD as being perfectionists. While wanting to make sure that things are correct is a good thing, it becomes a problem when…