ADHD Weekly, December 2, 2021

Get Ahead of Holiday Stress and Enjoy the Season
The first week of December is when most people starting to feel the pressure of the holiday season—or start hoping to avoid it. The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are busy. Having ADHD can complicate your seasonal planning. “The holidays are filled with both joy and stress,” says Ellen Braaten, PhD. Sixty-two percent…

Emotions That Disrupt Life Can Be Part of ADHD
Have you ever gotten so angry after another driver cut you off that it’s all you think about rest of the day? Or did a coworker ignore you at a staff meeting, leaving you worried that you had somehow offended them? Maybe your spouse’s loud chewing agitates you so that you feel you could fly…

Your Gift to CHADD Makes It All Possible!
This past year has been challenging for all of us in so many ways. For those of us with diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD, it has been especially challenging. You might not know it, but the fidgety woman standing next to you in line at the grocery store, the little boy in the classroom who raises…

Webinar Highlight: Getting your kids with ADHD organized
Ask The Expert Highlight All in a Row: Getting Your Kids with ADHD Organized Featuring Holly Hitchcock Graff CPO, PCC During the holiday season it can be difficult to keep your home and children organized. Professional organizer Holly Hitchcock Graff offered simple tips to help your children, family, and home be…