ADHD Weekly, January 18, 2024

Strategies to Help You and Your Child Develop Healthier Social Media Habits
The lure of breaking news, adorable dog videos, and life hacks—how to style your hair, increase your pickleball score, and paint your nails like a professional—is hard to avoid. It’s no wonder that many adults, teens, and even children have a hard time avoiding social media and may spend hours a day on their smartphones,…

Why Look for Complementary Approaches?
Question: We have worked closely with my son’s doctor and have a treatment plan that is benefitting him. We’re happy with how he is doing. But I have had several people suggest discontinuing the medication he has been prescribed and instead use different approaches, including herbal supplements, fish oil, neurofeedback, and mineral supplements. What I’d…

Webinar: Video Games and ADHD: Harmful or Helpful?
Midwest CHADD Regional Center Webinar: Video Games and ADHD: Harmful or Helpful? Featuring Randy Kulman, PhD Randy Kulman, PhD, explores how kids with ADHD are affected by their video game play. He examines how and why video games can become overly engaging for children who have ADHD yet at the same time present opportunities for…