ADHD Weekly, January 4, 2024

Be Wary of Alternatives in the Age of ADHD Medication Shortages
As shortages of certain medications used to treat ADHD continue, advertisements for alternatives to medications have been making waves on social media. Parents and adults desperate to get prescriptions filled may be tempted to try these advertised products, but doing so could put you or your child at risk. When looking for alternative or complementary…

Can Caffeine Decrease ADHD Symptoms?
Question: In looking for alternatives to medication for ADHD, I came across some information that says caffeine could be useful. The information suggested drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages to decrease ADHD symptoms. Is there any research supporting caffeine as a treatment for ADHD? Daily Coffee Drinker ADHD Health Information Specialist: Using caffeine, either in…

Webinar: Elements that Guide Therapeutic Work with Latino Families
Ask the Expert: The Essential Elements that Guide Therapeutic Work within Latino Immigrant Families Featuring Luke Smith, MD Luke Smith, MD, offers insights and practical examples on cultivating a safe space for families and individuals to feel heard and understood. By emphasizing the importance of active listening, empathy, and cultural sensitivity, Dr. Smith provides actionable…