ADHD Weekly, May 16, 2019

Eprescribing ADHD Medication: Allowed but Not Always Possible

Many people tell us they still go to the doctor’s office to pick up a handwritten prescription for ADHD medication when it’s time to refill. Have you asked whether it could be sent electronically to the pharmacy? Often people have been told by prescribers that, as a Schedule II medication, their stimulant medication couldn’t be…

Organize Your First Living Space

Are you ready to get your space organized? For many people, the change of seasons spurs the need to clean, sort, and redecorate. Maybe you spent the winter months binge-watching a popular organizer’s TV show and hope for a brighter, clutter-fee space. Or perhaps you’re a new graduate who will be settling into a first…

Webinar: What You Can Expect In The First Six Months Of Treatment

CHADD Webinar Highlight: What Can I Expect As an Adult From My ADHD Treatment Over The First 6 Months Featuring David W. Goodman, MD Finding a qualified adult ADHD psychiatrist who prescribes medication and can offer guidance on treatment options and behavior management can be a challenge. You may be wondering, “What should I expect…

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