ADHD Weekly, October 19, 2023

Moving Forward with ADHD Every Day
As the end of ADHD Awareness Month gets closer, we reflect on the many ways we have moved awareness forward. Our messages about ADHD as a health concern and manageable condition reach more people every year. Raising awareness isn’t confined to just one month, though. The journey goes on all year because ADHD is a…

Medication Can Help Reduce the Risk of Injury
Can including medication in your child’s ADHD treatment plan help him avoid some childhood injuries? Researchers are finding its inclusion can play a significant role in lowering the risk of injuries that could land a child in the emergency room. In addition to reducing common injuries—broken bones and cuts needing stiches—including medication in ADHD treatment…

Webinar: What To Do While You Wait
CHADD’s Northeast Regional Center Webinar What To Do While You Wait Thursday, October 26 | 7 PM Featuring Emily Edelson, PsyD, and Rebecca Heiden, PhD With long wait times and a shortage of providers, parents and caregivers can be faced with the question of how to help their child with ADHD before they receive professional…