ADHD Weekly, September 23, 2021

Ideas For Medication Cost Savings

Medication for ADHD can be costly, even if you have health insurance. There are options, though, that can stop you from breaking the bank to get prescriptions filled. Savings programs can be helpful, especially when you’re familiar with what your insurance does cover. Doing a bit of research before you fill a prescription can significantly…

Private: Habits That Serve You Are Key to Success When You Have ADHD

When U.S. News and World Reports profiled Daniel Arrigg Koh, he was the chief of staff for city of Boston, under former mayor Martin J. Walsh in 2017. Mr. Koh has an ADHD diagnosis, which, he says, was an asset. “I view ADHD as an advantage,” Mr. Koh tells Jennifer Lea Reynolds in Good Habits…

Seminario en Español: Rompiendo la cadena de desregulación emocional en familias que tienen niños con TDAH

Pregúntele al experto: Rompiendo la cadena de desregulación emocional en familias que tienen niños con TDAH Martes, Oct. 5 | 12:30 PM ET Presentando Giselle Colorado, PsyD Regístrate ahora Cuando vive con un niño que tiene un trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y también es emocionalmente sensible, las familias a menudo pueden…