ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD in the News 2022-10-13

October 13, 2022

OHSU researchers sharpen estimate of true percentage of people with ADHD

U.S. FDA warns of ADHD drug Adderall shortage on Teva manufacturing delays

Annual Stimulant Prescriptions Have Doubled In Adolescents Since 2008


ADHD Weekly, October 6, 2022

October 6, 2022

After the Storm: Weathering Disaster and Managing ADHD

Resources That Can Help Following a Crisis

Our Shared Experience: ADHD Awareness Month


ADHD in the News 2022-10-06

October 6, 2022

The Adderall Shortage is Causing Mass Chaos for Patients, Doctors and Pharmacies

5 Common Signs of ADHD in Women, According to Experts

Kids with disabilities face off-the-books school suspensions


ADHD in the News 2022-09-29

September 29, 2022

Preparing Students With ADHD for College

Acetaminophen use during pregnancy can impact kids’ behavior, researchers warn

Study shows birth weight could help identify children at higher risk of psychological issues


ADHD Weekly, September 22, 2022

September 22, 2022

Pause to Curb Impulsivity


ADHD in the News 2022-09-22

September 22, 2022

CHADD Announces New Chief Executive Officer

When Employers Help Employees with ADHD Succeed, Everyone Wins

Adderall Shortages in US Spread to Two More Drug Suppliers


ADHD in the News 2022-09-15

September 15, 2022

DEA Investigating ADHD Telehealth Provider Done

Study Shows Connection Between ADHD Medication and Risk of Suicide Attempt

Children with ADHD inattentive to other’s eyes


ADHD in the News 2022-09-08

September 8, 2022

New study questions effectiveness of ADHD medication for kids

Pregnant women with obesity and diabetes may be more likely to have a child with ADHD

Patients With ADHD at an Increased Risk of Injuries


ADHD Weekly, September 1, 2022

September 1, 2022

Start the School Year with Positive Parent and School Communication

Meeting the Challenges ADHD Presents for Students

Webinar for Professionals: Working with Latino Patients and Their Families


ADHD in the News 2022-09-01

September 1, 2022

Adderall is hard to find at some pharmacies following a labor shortage at the largest U.S. supplier

“Scary easy. Sketchy as hell.”: How startups are pushing Adderall on TikTok

Booming telehealth medicine is opening access to treatment for mental health: But surging prescriptions of stimulant drugs worry some


ADHD in the News 2022-08-25

August 25, 2022

7 Ways To Motivate A Kid With ADHD To Do Homework And Chores

White Matter Patterns Underlie ADHD Heterogeneity

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with increased rates of childhood infectious diseases


ADHD Weekly, August 18, 2022

August 18, 2022

Can’t Stop Gaming? Help Your Child Set Limits

Research Shows ADHD Meds Do Not Increase Substance Use Risks

Professionals Webinar: Working with Latino Patients and Their Families

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