ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD in the News 2022-08-18

August 18, 2022

Communicating Effectively When You Have ADHD

Learn How to Prioritize With ADHD

Early-term births associated with higher rate of ADHD as reported by teachers


ADHD in the News 2022-08-11

August 11, 2022

An ADHD diagnosis can be expensive and inaccurate. This company’s test addresses both problems

More Evaluations Needed for Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Efficacy in Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Medication Doesn’t Help Kids With ADHD Learn


ADHD Weekly, August 4, 2022

August 4, 2022

When Balancing Social Media Use Becomes a Challenge

“Brain Training” Options for ADHD: New Fact Sheet

CHADD Webinar: Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher


ADHD in the News 2022-08-04

August 4, 2022

What is adult ADHD and how to treat it – The Conversation Weekly podcast transcript

Teva Is Facing Adderall Supply Disruptions as Demand for ADHD Drug Soars

Pediatric ADHD, Psychiatric Disorders Medication Lowers Substance Misuse Risk


ADHD in the News 2022-07-28

July 28, 2022

Coexisting Conditions Decrease Likelihood of Response to ADHD Medications

Researchers use MRI to show brain changes, differences in children with ADHD

ADHD Startup’s Business Surged, Followed by Complaints and Concerns: At telehealth startup Done, fast growth came at the expense of patient care, say employees and customers


ADHD in the News 2022-07-21

July 21, 2022

Maternal milk tied to better school-age outcomes for children born preterm

Sleep Disturbances in Childhood May Predict Future Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Amy Licis, MD: 4 Options for Children with Autism, ADHD who Struggle with Sleep


ADHD Weekly, July 21, 2022

July 18, 2022

Irritable and Overwhelmed? Signs of Parental Burnout

Pesticides Could Play a Role for Some People with ADHD

Webinar: Parenting a Defiant Child: Won’t? Or Can’t?


ADHD in the News 2022-07-14

July 14, 2022

Diagnosing ADHD Is Hard. Here’s What Teachers Need to Know

ADHD was not invented to disadvantage Black children and increase pharmaceutical sales

Can Your ADHD Get Worse as You Age?


ADHD Weekly, July 7, 2022

July 7, 2022

Help Your Child Better Cope with Social Anxiety

Changing the Way You Communicate with Your Young Adult

Young Scientist Awardees Announced


ADHD in the News 2022-07-07

July 7, 2022

White children are especially likely to be overdiagnosed and overtreated for ADHD, according to a new study

ADHD Drugs May Treat Alzheimer’s Cognitive Symptoms Effectively — Positive effect on global cognition, apathy in meta-analysis

New Study Shows Racial, Gender Discrepancies in Special Education Services


ADHD in the News 2022-06-30

June 30, 2022

How to Help Your Child With ADHD Navigate School

Teens with ADHD need help with vaccine uptake, new study suggests

Physiological Measure for ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorder


ADHD in the News 2022-06-23

June 23, 2022

Increased Risk of ADHD in Children Exposed to Maternal Sickle Cell Disease

One in four UK prisoners has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, says report

New funding to help advance scientific understanding of skin disorders in children and young people

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